Welcome To The “Bloss”
Hello Friends!
Welcome to my new blog "The Bloss" having a blog has been something that I've wanted to do since I was a kid! Being able to write down all my thoughts has always been a concept that is very therapeutic for the soul. In the 9 years that I've done photography, I've learned so much information regarding the photography world and how it works but also how it has brought an immense amount of learning moments, failures and wins into my life.
I can't say that the first 6 years was the most successful or profitable, I can with certainty tell you that some of those years were rough! Loads of learning happened in the span between 2020 - Present and a lot of that learning didn't just happen overnight. It was carefully curated over the course of almost 3 years now. This blog is really to just write down so many of the thoughts that I have had in this growing period.
“Every flower blooms in its own time.”
"In its own time" I truly didn't know the impact of what that meant when I was younger, something my dad always use to tell me was that every flower has its season and that while some are blooming, thriving and expanding that some are just waiting for their season. I can honestly say I rolled my eyes about a million times when my dad said it but of course I did, I was a kid that hadn't yet discovered the emotions that would come in adulthood when trying to run a business, be a parent, Friend and Spouse all while seemingly acting like all your ducks are in a row when reality you're ducks have been swimming in many different directions there is no row there is just navigating all the big emotions that come with being an adult and sometimes it sucks.
They just aren't what we wanted, They aren't good"
If I had a dollar for every time that comment that someone said to me almost 6 years ago lived rent free in my head, then I would be a very wealthy woman. Self-doubt is a bitch, and it doesn't discriminate or single just one person out. It's like a deep embrace of all the things that you don't want to be, or you think you are and trust me it's a feeling that a lot of people have! Especially in the art world, Whatever art you are into or aren't there will always be that one comment or criticism that either fuels you to do better or plunges you to ultimately fail. Not because you're bad but because self-doubt is a slow poison that lets you believe that you aren't good enough or never will be. Leaving behind all of that doubt is Scary.
If you're asking me why I am telling you all this smorgasbord of information? Well because it's a part of my origin story of how I've gotten to this point. If you're thinking that I chose the high road, you were very wrong because in fact It was the complete opposite! For YEARS I played that comment in my head thinking that I wasn't good enough that I needed to just quit, and I did just that I quit.
In hindsight I think I was being a little dramatic. However, in 2020 I took a deep dive into the world of photography, my husband and I had just lost our son and I felt like I needed something to distract me and that was photography! It took me a while to really put myself out there but then one client became two then two clients became twenty and as time went on, I still let that comment live rent free in my head and let it rip apart any shred of feeling of getting better or growing. I compared myself constantly to photographers around me and photos they had taken thinking wow I wish I could do that too.
Then one day I decided to go on my business Facebook and do some cleaning of old posts that I just didn't think were relevant anymore, but the truth is that it was relevant. I had changed SO MUCH from the person that just picked up a camera for fun, I had made this a business creating memories for other people. I had put in the hard work to learn how to edit, use my camera, understand lighting, workshops and more. The Pansy from 5ish years ago didn't even know how to use lightroom (editing software) or know what ISO was! Heck, I edited the photos on photo bucket Ha! That Pansy hadn't put in the work yet and it showed. In retrospect that comment pushed me to do better in the end it just took a minute to get there.
Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't enough or can't.
Remember there is a season to bloom for every flower.
XXX- Pansy