Detail Wedding Shots & What You Need For Your Detail Kit | Blossom & Co. Photography
Hey there, fellow photographers! So, I get asked a lot about what I keep in my detail box for flatlays, and let me tell you, it's packed with goodies. For those of you who are new to photography, wedding flatlays are a fantastic way to showcase your clients' special day in a unique and personal way. But if you want to take your flatlays to the next level, it's all about using the right props to really make them pop.
The very first step to creating stunning and visually appealing flat lays is having an open and thorough conversation with your client about what specific items you’ll need and how to choose pieces that can truly help elevate the overall presentation. I have developed a comprehensive client guide that contains essential information for all my clients. This ensures that the necessary items are prepared and organized ahead of time on the day of the wedding, allowing you to avoid the stress and chaos of scrambling to find everything at the last minute.
Here is a detailed look at what I typically ask my wonderful clients to have thoughtfully prepared for me on the special day of their beautiful wedding. Below is a comprehensive list of what I kindly request my clients to have ready for me on the day of their wedding celebration. I ask each client to have a spacious tote bag or a sturdy box ready, so that I don’t have to carry everything around clumsily and can transport all of my gear and essentials easily.
I want to preface this by sharing that, while I do have ring boxes included in my detail kit for client use, I often recommend to my clients that if they desire a more personalized color scheme that perfectly complements their wedding day, they should consider purchasing an unhinged box from Amazon that matches their chosen colors! I strongly suggest using an unhinged box because it allows us to achieve the best angles for capturing the beautiful details of your wedding rings, especially when compared to a traditional hinged box. Additionally, one of my favorite elements to incorporate is real flowers, and I make it a point to ask my clients for extra blooms so we can artfully arrange them around the flat lay. All of these items mentioned above prove to be tremendously beneficial in creating a stunning flat lay, but ultimately, where the true artistry lies is in skillfully putting everything together in a cohesive and visually appealing manner that reflects your unique style.
I often use a variety of small dishes, charming trinkets, and beautiful ribbons in my flat lays! I find most of my eye-catching trinkets and unique dishes at antique stores or on Amazon, placing great value on their character. I truly love putting a considerable amount of detail into how the flat lays are thoughtfully crafted and arranged, ensuring that each element contributes to a stunning overall composition. Below are some amazon items that I think really make a difference in flat lays! These are items that are perfect for a starter flat lay kit! - Acrylic Blocks, These are perfect for add height to items. - Two slot ring box, I often get basic colors for starter kits. - Chiffon Ribbons, I love a multipack!! These are always gorgeous - Vintage Trinket Dish!! Love it for details! - Flower Risers! These are a must if you want to have florals. - Textured Flat lay mats! these are amazing to have!
These are all items that can truly enhance the overall look and feel of your photos! But where I always begin my search is by exploring the charming local antique shops! That is undoubtedly the best place to discover those unique little details that can add character and depth to your images! Hope that helps, my fellow photographers, as you seek out inspiration for your next shoot!